Happy Mother's Day from the Virtual Bazaar - Virtual Bazaar Jordan

Happy Mother's Day from the Virtual Bazaar

Happy Mother's Day to all you strong yet gentle ladies!

Happy Mother's Day to all you multi- tasking ladies!

By all means make your day a special one. Don't fret about cooking or cleaning . Try not to worry about your family,children or grandchildren. I know this is a hard one, but again, TRY just for this one day!

On this occasion I will share with you an excerpt from the book 'Age Power / Embracing 60 & Onward' describing the feelings of sons and daughters towards their mamas:

"Mamas are loved disliked,loved again.

Mamas are laughed at and laughed with.

Mamas are our safety nets and the fierce disciplinarians.

Mamas are adored yet sometimes blamed.

Mamas are always needed yet there are some days when a break from mama is called for.

One thing is for sure , MOTHERS ARE A TREASURE"

Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy Mother's Day from the Virtual Bazaar family!

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