YALLA Shop Local! - Virtual Bazaar Jordan

YALLA Shop Local!

Have you heard the news? #yallashoplocal has begun!

We keep hearing SUPPORT LOCAL but what does it really mean? At its simplest, it means buying from a local store rather than a large retailer. BUT what it really means is all of us coming together to SUPPORT LOCAL products and businesses, both online and offline - #yallashoplocal does just that! Our aim is to power a movement of supporting small businesses that becomes a way of life.

Want to join the movement and support local businesses? Take the pledge and follow the 3 S's:



a local business or product at least once a week.



a local business or product.

Virtual Bazaar has created a local product and business directory to help you discover businesses you can support in one place. Visit www.virtual-bazaar.com to check out the directory.



a local business or product: Tell your family, friends, work colleagues, social media friends and followers – it costs nothing BUT has a huge impact. Share the directory above, tag businesses in your social media, visit offline events and support shopping online.....you can do it!

Watch this space for more news to come and how you can play a part.

Will you join the movement?

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